토요일, 3월 15, 2025
Home Blog Page 221

코로나19 변이 ‘FLiRT’ 등장…감염병 악몽 재현되나


감염병 코로나19에 대한 공포감이 다시 커지고 있다. 최근 코로나19 변이 바이러스인 오미크론의 하위 변종 ‘FLiRT’가 확산하고 있다는 소식이 들려오고 있어서다.

11일 뉴스위크와 업계 등에 따르면 영국 워릭 대학교 분양종자학 교수 로렌스 영은 뉴스위크에 “FLiRT가 미국의 한 하수도에서 처음 발견됐으나, 정확한 기원은 알 수 없다”며 “FLiRT 변종이 미국은 물론 국경 밖의 지역까지 확산하고 있다”고 전했다.


영 교수는 미국 질병예방통제센터(CDC)의 데이터를 인용해 KP.2라는 FLiRT 변종 바이러스가 미국 내 신규 감염의 25%를 차지한다고 설명했다. 다만 해당 바이러스가 이전 변종보다 전염성이 더 높을 순 있지만 더 위험한지 판단하기에는 아직 이르다.

변종 바이러스 감염 증상은 기존 오미크론 계통의 증상과 유사하다. 발열이나 오한, 기침, 호흡 곤란, 근육통과 몸살, 두통, 인후통, 콧물, 메스꺼움 또는 구토, 설사, 미각 또는 후각 상실 등의 증상이 나타날 수 있는 것이다.


만약 몸에 불편함이 느껴지면 검사를 받는 것이 좋으며, 양성 판정 시 집에 머물고 사람들과의 접촉을 피해야 한다.

현재 사용할 수 있는 백신으로도 변종 바이러스를 어느 정도 예방할 수 있겠지만 새로운 변종을 완벽하게 막지는 못할 것으로 보인다.

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레드 랭글러

In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

Musk’s SpaceX: Starship lands safely… then explodes


In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

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In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

Fisherman swap petrol motors for electric engines


In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

Searching for the forgotten heroes of World War Two


In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

The man who saved thousands of people from HIV


In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

All you need to know about penalty shootouts


In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

Searching for the ‘angel’ who held me on Westminster Bridge


In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.

Why local US newspapers are sounding the alarm

출처=차은우 인스타그램

In the dynamic world of WordPress, we emerge as a beacon of innovation and excellence. Our popular products, like CoverNews, ChromeNews, Newsphere, and Shopical, alongside powerful plugins such as WP Post Author, Blockspare, and Elespare, serve as the building blocks of your digital journey.

We’re passionate about quality code and elegant design, ensuring your website creation is an effortless blend of sophistication and simplicity. With unwavering support from our dedicated team, you’re never alone.

Templatespare: Create Your Dream Website with Easy Starter Sites!

A beautiful collection of Ready to Import Starter Sites with just one click. Get modern & creative websites in minutes!

Newspaper, Magazine, Blog, and eCommerce Ready

Forget About Starting From Scratch

Explore a world of creativity with 365+ ready-to-use website templates! From chic blogs to dynamic news platforms, engaging magazines, and professional agency websites – find your perfect online space!

One Click Import: No Coding Hassle! Three Simple Steps

  1. Choose a Site
    Explore a rich selection of over 350 pre-built websites. With a single click, import the site that resonates with your vision.
  2. Customize & Personalize
    Unleash your creativity! Customize your chosen site with complete design freedom. Tailor every element to build and personalize your website exactly the way you envision it.
  3. Publish & Go Live!
    With the editing and customization complete, it’s time to go live! In just minutes, your website will be ready to share with the world.

Join the AF themes family, where excellence meets ease. Explore the endless possibilities and embark on your web journey with us today!

Together, we’re shaping the future of the web.